JYZ-HW Overhead Line Remote Fault Indicators is usually used in 5~38KV (can be customized by 44KV, 69KV and 110KV ) overhead line power distribution network to monitor and detect short- circuit and earth fault. The fault signal is indicated by three ultra-bright blinking LEDs with 360º sight. The fault information and current value can also be uploaded to the SCADA by 2.5G/3G/4G networks.
The indicator can be mounted under live conditions with the help of an adapter and a hot stick. The parameters such as trip current, reset time, blinking interval, etc., can be read and adjusted by a bidirectional wireless tool. Permanent fault, transient fault and battery low voltage alarm can be distinguished and indicated separately by 3 different ultra-bright blinking LEDs. And the earth-fault can be indicated by two alternating different ultra-bright blinking LEDs.
The earth-fault and short-circuit fault indicator type JYZ-HW consists of:
1) 1 pcs DCU: Transmission fault and load current value to SCADA
2) 3 pc indicators: short-circuit and earth fault detection and indication