83V and 87V Digital Multimeters
Digital Multimeter
Product Description
Fluke 83V and 87V Digital Multimeters is For all detailed specifications.
Accuracy is given as ±([% of reading] + [number of least significant digits]) at 18 °C to 28 °C, with relative humidity up to 90 %, for a period of one year after calibration. For Model 87 in the 41⁄2-digit mode, multiply the number of least significant digits (counts) by 10. AC conversions are ac-coupled and valid from 3 % to 100 % of range. Model 87 is true-rms responding. AC crest factor can be up to 3 at full scale, 6 at half scale. For non-sinusoidal wave forms add -(2 % Rdg + 2 % full scale) typical, for a crest factor up to 3.
Product Technical Specification
- Brand :Fluke
- Model : 83V and 87V
- Download Link : 87-V Spec